
The Go language protocol library for XLattice. The library includes


This protocol is used by XLattice nodes for setting up communications sessions with Peers or other XLattice Nodes where the initiating Node knows the public RSA key associated with an address.

The Nodes involved, the initiator and the respondent, may use any mutually agreeable protocol to continue the session. That may include a procedure for changing the session key, as is prudent in any longer-term session. It is probably prudent to change the session key at least once an hour if there are significant levels of traffic on the link.


Chunks is a message protocol designed to be intermixed with Protobuf (Google’s Protocol Buffer) messages. For more information click here

Project Status

The tlv16, aes_cnx, and chunks packages are stable and well-tested.

The aes_cnx package has been in use since mid-2014 in its present form.

chunks has not yet been used in production.


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