The XLReg Protocol

Registry Credentials

Any XLReg server will profide credentials upon request. These are conventionally delivered as an ASCII file, regCred.dat, containing

An example follows.

regCred {
    Name: xlReg
    ID: 21b95b5c697977d266a0c364e12787ad72bf6fc9346ec0edef351cfb6da90c24
    CommsPubKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCZz5Kdt5XqLRVipmnEEu1eedHmSswP8ZDkbadkRdCrgpGm1OLe79WTrkB0HLW98pjyBooaWLU/thSoB1/2UfkaYdoDHtfHzMKBLUmfR8MCgQaKA3KoOr83wYdtLPYiUmIlg77CjUAuKOPYtd8oy+9TrbM7AwYUZf7Ps/2Lalv7JPQKHX5jyBAjs8nF9LZj+6EhYX0m6RrwyptHjTle7ajQ+6taX+9pZUIY20zu9aiR7j4LNlk2JITOPDk0mr+UsVlI6SfHpuAdy6nsG592bQLT5RF/mD5knh3/EP+b+5yXJHth8myN4UDPIIupinVQ+Vcr0H4y106bebLITWhuJiuN

    SigPubKey: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDcpMhDQWgLHLcaU4Ed8fHBwLmNOa5RKECmci5VeDczF01R/VaxUcLnna58NM6m1fajNJlS3Z7xICiCwmYFOfJjQ8weuvXebqKUKTZMBghVRJqjPiWGmz9C07U/sTtRrEg0kEUZKepZ6Z9M7VN7eUJwoi+Avp99enTAKmgotYFXn47vpoLDGeKaviHAVcqOHXoQRLfT1Q6vjs/b+yg9lnxRon9kyf3tLopz64Sor6itkI0WhwdWZ0PJHDFW5SfkBhStBW1gC8vED0HO5bbi5iU1NRPiG+nUHm4UYjiQD2DY2PQGXeogZeaqL7ADy8+V0A7TYOkWZTSulK/IuYBY8Clz

    EndPoints {
    Version: 0.4.3

This particular registry was on, a machine in Amazon's AWS/EC2 cloud. It listened on 56789, the port conventionally used by the xlReg server. (Note that the test registry is now at

The Go version of the xlReg client provides functions to read and write serialized RegCred files (xlattice_go.reg.ParseRegCred() and xlattice_go.reg.String() respectively.

Hello and Reply

All communications with the XLReg server must begin with a Hello/Reply exchange, which verifies to the client the identity of the server and establishes the AES IV and key used to encrypt further message exchanges between the XLReg server and client.

Version Numbers

XLReg version numbers are 4-byte little-endian values. These may be thought of as a.b.c.d, where a, b, c, and d are unsigned byte values. d is the lowest value and so will appear first in wire format. When serialized as strings, version numbers are conventionally written in big-endian form, except that if the low-order fields are all zero, only the higher-order fields appear, so will normally be written 1.2 (but will appear on the wire as Similarly serializes as 1.2.3 but appears on the wire as and appears on the wire as `


XLReg communications begin when one machine, the client, sends a Hello message to another, the server in this context. The Hello message consists of

AES is a block cipher used for high speed encryption. AES has a standard block size of 16 bytes. The key is a whole number of such blocks. The IV is used to set up cipher-block chaining (CBC), a mode of operation in which each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous block of ciphertext before encryption. The first block of plaintext has no previous block of ciphertext, so an IV is used instead.

Clients should encrypt the message using RSA-OAEP, SHA1, and a 20-byte random value, the oaepSalt. No label is used. In Go this is done using

ciphertext,err = rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha, oaepSalt, ck, data, nil)

where sha represents an instance of the SHA1 hash function and ck is a pointer to an RSA public key.

In production all of the random values (IV, key, salt, and oaepSalt) should be generated using a secure, crypto-quality random number generator.

The Hello message is encrypted using the server's public key, ck. The message to be encoded must not be longer than the length of modulus less twice the hash length plus 2. As we use SHA1, the hash length is 20 bytes, so for a 1024-bit = 128 byte RSA key the maximum message length is

128 - (2 * 20 + 2) = 86 bytes

The Hello message is 60 bytes long and so fits. We recommend using 1024-bit RSA keys for testing but 2048-bit or larger in production.

The Hello message is sent to the server over a TCP connection using its well-known address. Conventionally the xlReg server listens on port 56789.


The server decrypts the message using its RSA private key - and the server's correctly encrypted reply proves to the client that the server has that private key. The server examines the message on receipt; if it is not well-formed the server silently discards it. Otherwise the server encrypts its reply using the AES IV and key from the Hello message. The server's reply consists of

The first three fields should be generated by a secure random number generator.

The version number in the Hello message is a proposed version number, the version preferred by the client. The server will reply with the version number that it prefers, and this is the protocol version that will be used in subsequent messages. In this implementation the server simply ignores the version proposed by the client.

If the reply from the server cannot be decoded, or if salt1 does not match the value in the Hello message, the client should silently close the connection.

Otherwise iv2 and key2 will be used in further messages between this client and server.

The Role of Protocol Buffers

All xlReg client-server sessions must begin with a Hello/Reply sequence, which establishes the identify of the server and determines the AES IV and key used to encrypt all further messages in the session. While the Hello/Reply sequence is specified in terms of a pattern of bits on the wire, ClientMsg and OKMsg are specified by a Google Protocol Buffers protocol description file, p.proto. This is used to generate libraries specific to the particular language.

Any particular XLRegMsg message is first translated into wire format by a Protobuf library call, then PKCS7-padded to a whole number of 16-byte AES blocks, and then AES-encrypted using the IV and key set during the Hello/Reply sequence. In Go this is done by a call to

EncodePadEncrypt(msg *`XLRegMsg`, engine cipeher.BlockMode)

which returns either a byte slice or an error.

The receiver inverts this process. It gets a byte slice off the wire and makes a call to

DecryptUnpadDecode(ciphertext []byte, engine cipher.BlockMode)

which returns either a pointer to an XLRegMsg or an error.

XLReg Protobuf Protocol Description

xlReg Protobuf protocol

Client and OK

The ClientMsg, like all other XLRegMsg types, can only be sent to the server after AES encryption is set up by the `Hello/Reply sequence. The message descriptions that follow are expressed in terms of the Protobuf message spec.

Client Message

The formal spec provides two versions of the Client message, one containing a Token and the other only the ClientID. At this time only the token-based message should be used.

The token embedded in the client message consists of

Note that the ClientID should not be included in the token; it is assigned by the server in response to this message.

OK Message

The server examines the client message on receipt. If the message is ill-formed, the server simply closes the connection and discards the message. Otherwise it determines the value of the Attrs field for the client (currently it just accepts the client's proposed value and returns it) and constructs a unique random ID for the client. This is a 256-bit / 32-byte ClientID. The AES-encrypted reply to the client contains both of these fields.

Create and CreateReply

The Create/CreateReply sequence is necessary only if the cluster does not already exist.

The client creating the cluster need not be one of the members. It is in fact convenient to use a dedicated admin client to create the cluster.

Create Message

A cluster definition must be sent to the registry for each cluster once and only once. A second cluster definition with the name of an existing cluster will be rejected by the server, which will reply with an XLReg Error message rather than a CreateReply.

The cluster Create message consists of

The cluster name must not already be in use. If it is, the server will reply with an error message and close the connection.

The EndPointCount is the number of endpoints that each cluster member must have. A member must listen on each address/port number listed. Conventionally endPoint[0] is used for intra-cluster communications, communications between cluster members, and endPoint[1], if defined, is used by clients to reach cluster members.

CreateReply Message

The CreateReply message is sent by the server to the client to confirm cluster attributes. It consists of

Error Message

In the current implementation this message has a single field, an ErrDesc string. If the server sends the client an error message, it then closes the connection.

Join and JoinReply

Join Message

In the current implementation a Join message has only a single field, ClusterName, a string. If the cluster exists and few members have joined than the cluster size, the xlReg server will sdnd a JoinReply message. Otherwise, the server will send an error message and close the connection.

JoinReply Message

If a Join request succeeds, the server responds with a JoinReply containing:

This is the point at which prospective members knowing only the cluster name will have learned the cluster ID.

GetCluster and ClusterMembers

A client sends the xlReg server GetCluster messages until it has information on all members or until some limit (MAX_GET in the Go code) has been exceeded. The client does not have to be a member in order to make this request.

GetCluster Message

The message has two fields:

The bit map is a little-endian sequence of 64 bits, with the low-order bits in each byte mapping to 0, 1, 2, and so forth. The server ignores any bits that are out of range, so 0xffffffff simply means "all members". The client maintains a local bit map identifying those members that it has information on. It will loop until it has information on all members or until MAX_GET is exceeded.

ClusterMembers Message

The xlReg server replies to the GetCluster message with a ClusterMembers message consisting of

The tokens are in the same order as bits in the bit map, so the client iterates through the bit map and copies each token to the corresponding slot in its own members table.

If a cluster member is making this request -- that is, if the client has already joined the cluster -- the reply will normally contain a token for the requesting client.

The xlReg server does not maintain state regarding which membership information the client has collected. If asked repeatedly for the same information, it will send the information to the client repeatedly.

Bye and Ack

Bye Message

The Bye is sent by the client to signal that the session is over. It contains no further information.

Ack Message

The server's reply is a simple Ack. It contains no further information. After sending it, the server closes the connection. On receiving the Ack, the client does the same.

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