
Utilities useful or necessary for the xlattice_go project. These currently include


As the term is used here, a bitmap is an array of bits, specifically a 64-bit word, where the bit being set (having a value of 1) means that something of interest is present whereas the bit being clear (having a value of 0) means that it is absent.

type BitMap64 struct {
    Bits uint64

func NewBitMap64(bits uint64) (bm *BitMap64)

// An array of a bit maps with the low order N bits set.
// In a better world this would be a constant.
var lowNMap = [...]uint64

// Returns a bit map with the low order N bits set.  If N is 0, the map
// is empty - that is, no bits are set.
func LowNMap(n uint) (bm *BitMap64)

// Return true if all bits are set
func (bm *BitMap64) All() bool

// Return true if any bits are set
func (bm *BitMap64) Any() bool

// Clear bit N, setting it to zero.
func (bm *BitMap64) Clear(n uint) *BitMap64

// Set the low order N bits to zero.
func (bm *BitMap64) ClearLowN(n uint) *BitMap64

// Return a clone of this bit map.
func (bm *BitMap64) Clone() *BitMap64

// Returns a bit map in which all of the bits in this map have been flipped.
func (bm *BitMap64) Complement() *BitMap64

// Returns a count of the bits set (that is, equal to 1) in the bit map.
func (bm *BitMap64) Count() uint

// Returns the difference between two bit maps.
func (bm *BitMap64) Difference(other *BitMap64) *BitMap64

// Whether 'other' is a bit map and has the same bits set.
func (bm *BitMap64) Equal(any interface{}) bool

// Flip the Nth bit in the map, where 0 <= n <= 63
func (bm *BitMap64) Flip(n uint) *BitMap64

// Return the intersection of the two bit maps -- that is, a map
// in which all of the bits set in both input sets are set.
func (bm *BitMap64) Intersection(other *BitMap64) *BitMap64

// Return whether none of the bits in the map is set.
func (bm *BitMap64) None() bool

// Return a map identical to this one except that the Nth bit is set.
func (bm *BitMap64) Set(n uint) *BitMap64

// Return a map which is the XOR of the two inputs.
func (bm *BitMap64) SymmetricDifference(other *BitMap64) *BitMap64

// Test the Nth bit in the map
func (bm *BitMap64) Test(n uint) bool

// Return a map which is the union of the two inputs -- that is,
// where all of the bits which are set in either of the two inputs
// is set in the output.
func (bm *BitMap64) Union(other *BitMap64) *BitMap64


These functions translate unsigned 32-bit integers to and from the string serialization used by XLattice for version numbers.

type DecimalVersion uint32

func New(a, b, c, d uint) (dv DecimalVersion)

// Interpret a byte slice as a big-endian uint.
func VersionFromBytes(b []byte) (dv DecimalVersion, err error)

// Convert a uint32 DecimalVersion to string format.
func (dv DecimalVersion) String() (s string)

// Convert a string like a.b.c.d back to a uint32 DecimalVersion.  At
// least one digit must be present.
func ParseDecimalVersion(s string) (dv DecimalVersion, err error)


Functions concerned with defining whether a sequence of charactrs is or is not a valid XLattice name.

func ValidEntityName(name string) (err error)
func NAME_PAT() string
func NAME_RE() *regexp.Regexp
func INVALID_NAME() error


Convenience functions for dealing with the local file system.

// If the directory named does not exist, create it.  The permisssions
// passed are ORed with 0700.  If the directory name is empty, call it
// "lfs", that is, ./lfs/
// If the directory named exists, permissions are not inspected.

func CheckLFS(lfs string, perm os.FileMode) (err error)

// Given a path to a file, create any missing intermediate directories.
func MkdirsToFile(pathToFile string, perm os.FileMode) (err error)


// Return the smallest non-negative integer exp where 2^exp is
// greater than or equal to n.
func NextExp2_32(n uint32) (exp int)

// Return the smallest non-negative integer exp where 2^exp is
// greater than or equal to n.
func NextExp2_64(n uint64) (exp int)

// Return the smallest 32-bit number k which is a power of two and greater
// than // or equal to n.
func NextPow2_32(n uint32) (k uint32)

// Return the smallest 64-bit number k which is a power of two and greater
// than or equal to n.
func NextPow2_64(n uint64) (k uint64)


For further information on this package click here


For further information on this package click here


This is an implementation in software of popCount (also called CTPOP) which on more modern machine architectures is a machine instruction for counting the number of bits set in a word.


 * Convenience class handling YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS formatted dates.
type Timestamp int64

func (t Timestamp) String() (x string)

func ParseTimestamp(s string) (t Timestamp, err error)

Project Status

Except as noted above, the code in this project is stable and well-tested.


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Project software is licensed under an MIT license. Follow the SOFTWARE LICENSE link below for more information on project software licensing.

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