XLattice U

Content-keyed directory structures for xlattice, a file system based on content keys, where a content key is a cryptographically secure hash either 20 or 32 bytes long.

Directory Structure

U* is optimized for storing very large numbers of files. The first byte of the content key determines which mid-level directory the file goes in; the second byte determines its lower-level directory. The upper-level directory is conventionally called **U.

So if a file’s content hash is abcdef...1234, then it will usually be stored in U/ab/cd/ef...1234. There are 256 mid-level directories and 256 subdirectories below each of these, so there are 256x256 = 65536 such lower-level directories.

There will also be at least two more subdirectories at the upper level

Content Keys

Hashes are calculated using a variant of the Secure Hash Algorithm. Currently three versions of SHA are supported:


Pseudo code: function name, parameter list, and values returned. Parameter type follows the paramter name.

// Copy a data file into U.
CopyAndPut(path string, key []byte) (int64, error)
CopyAndPut1(path, key string) (int64, string, error)
CopyAndPut2(path, key string) (int64, string, error)
CopyAndPut3(path, key string) (int64, string, error)

// Retrieve a data file from U.
GetData(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
GetData1(key string) (data []byte, err error)
GetData2(key string) (data []byte, err error)
GetData3(key string) (data []byte, err error)

// Move a data file into U.
Put(inFile string, key []byte) (length int64, err error)
Put1(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
Put2(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
Put3(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)

// Write a block of data into U; the length and actual h
// are returned.
PutData(data []byte, key []byte) (length int64, hash []byte, err error)
PutData1(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
PutData2(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
PutData3(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)

GetDirStruc() DirStruc
GetPath() string

// These functions take two forms, for convenience
HexKeyExists(key string) (bool, error)
ByteKeyExists(key []byte) (bool, error)

HexKeyFileLen(key string) (length int64, err error)
ByteKeyFileLen(key []byte) (length int64, err error)

GetPathForHexKey(key string) (string, error)
GetPathForByteKey(key []byte) (string, error)

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